Illustrations and first accounts of the great discoveries of the 16th century digitised and online
The Bodmer Foundation owns a full Latin version of Voyages by Théodore de Bry, a sixteenth-century Protestant engraver and editor who was famous for his descriptions of the early European expeditions and the discovery of America. The 29 volumes that make up de Bry’s Grands Voyages (Americas) and Petits Voyages (Africa and Asia) were published between 1590 and 1634, and include over 50 travel accounts and almost 600 engravings. With their detailed illustrations, these first written records from the Age of Discovery are an invaluable source of knowledge and references. Inaccessible as a whole until today, all the volumes of Voyages have been digitised by the Bodmer Lab with additional comments. They are now available to the general public and scientists without charge.