Littérature élisabéthaine

The Lamentable Tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus, discoursing the warres of the Britaines, and Hunnes, with their discomfiture: The Britaines victorie with their Accidents, and the death of Albanact. No lesse pleasant then profitable.


Constellation Littérature élisabéthaine

The Lamentable Tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus, discoursing the warres of the Britaines, and Hunnes, with their discomfiture: The Britaines victorie with their Accidents, and the death of Albanact. No lesse pleasant then profitable.

Title-page Attribution: Newly set foorth, ouerseene and corrected, By W.S.
Title page note by Buck, ‘Char. Tilney wrot[e a] Tragedy of this mattr [which] hee named Estrild [which] I think is this. it was [lost] by his death. & now s[ome] fellon hath published [it]. I made du[m]be shewes for it. w[hi]ch I yet haue. G.B.’
Note by Tite, ‘This very uncommon book Lot 1460 of Daniel’s sale was bought for me by Mr. W[…] July 1864 for £103.19.1. He considered it very cheap at that price’
Divided into acts and scenes
Set in ‘english’ type
Other Copies: 10 (Birmingham, British Library, Cambridge Trinity, Bodleian,
Folger [2], Huntington, Morgan, UCLA, Illinois)


Auteur: Anonyme
Titre: The Lamentable Tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus, discoursing the warres of the Britaines, and Hunnes, with their discomfiture: The Britaines victorie with their Accidents, and the death of Albanact. No lesse pleasant then profitable.
Lieu de publication: London
Editeur: Printed by Thomas Creede.
Date: 1595
Langue: English
Nombre de scans: 126
Type: Print
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Le saviez-vous?

  • that the Bodmer holds the largest collection of early Shakespeare editions outside the Anglophone world? 
  • that the original price for a bound copy of the First Folio when it was first published in 1623 was about £1? 
  • that Bodmer bought most of his Shakespearean books from the American collector A. S. W. Rosenbach in 1951?
  • that the Bodmer contains 24 early modern printed English books which survive in just 10 or fewer copies?
  • more than 230 copies of the First Folio survive, but the Bodmer copy is the only one in Switzerland?