Title-page Attribution: Newly set foorth, ouerseene and corrected, By W.S.
Title page note by Buck, ‘Char. Tilney wrot[e a] Tragedy of this mattr [which] hee named Estrild [which] I think is this. it was [lost] by his death. & now s[ome] fellon hath published [it]. I made du[m]be shewes for it. w[hi]ch I yet haue. G.B.’
Note by Tite, ‘This very uncommon book Lot 1460 of Daniel’s sale was bought for me by Mr. W[…] July 1864 for £103.19.1. He considered it very cheap at that price’
Divided into acts and scenes
Set in ‘english’ type
Other Copies: 10 (Birmingham, British Library, Cambridge Trinity, Bodleian,
Folger [2], Huntington, Morgan, UCLA, Illinois)