Littérature élisabéthaine

Florios second frutes, to be gathered of twelue Trees, of diuers but delightsome tastes to the tongues of Italians and Englishmen. To which is annexed his Gardine of Recreation yeelding six thousand Italian Prouerbs.


Constellation Littérature élisabéthaine

Florios second frutes, to be gathered of twelue Trees, of diuers but delightsome tastes to the tongues of Italians and Englishmen. To which is annexed his Gardine of Recreation yeelding six thousand Italian Prouerbs.

Title-page Attribution: As above
In two parts. These are reversed in this copy, where Part 2 (Giardino) precedes Part 1 (Second Frutes). In this copy, the English leaves ‘To the Reader’ from Part 1 bound in with Part 2. The Italian dedicatory leaves ‘Al generoso…Sr Nicolò Saunder’ bound in with Part 1
Other Copies: 27


Auteur: Florio, John
Titre: Florios second frutes, to be gathered of twelue Trees, of diuers but delightsome tastes to the tongues of Italians and Englishmen. To which is annexed his Gardine of Recreation yeelding six thousand Italian Prouerbs.
Lieu de publication: London
Editeur: Printed [by T. Orwin] for Thomas Woodcock, dwelling at the Black-beare.
Date: 1591
Langue: English
Nombre de scans: 234
Type: Print
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Le saviez-vous?

  • that the Bodmer holds the largest collection of early Shakespeare editions outside the Anglophone world? 
  • that the original price for a bound copy of the First Folio when it was first published in 1623 was about £1? 
  • that Bodmer bought most of his Shakespearean books from the American collector A. S. W. Rosenbach in 1951?
  • that the Bodmer contains 24 early modern printed English books which survive in just 10 or fewer copies?
  • more than 230 copies of the First Folio survive, but the Bodmer copy is the only one in Switzerland?