
Faust : a tragedy by Goethe translated into English verse, with notes and preliminary remarks by John Stuart Blackie.


Constellation Faust

Faust : a tragedy by Goethe translated into English verse, with notes and preliminary remarks by John Stuart Blackie.

Nouvelle édition, largement retravaillée, de la traduction du Faust 1 par John S. Blackie (Faust [1834]). La préface motive la reprise de ce travail près d'un demi-siècle après sa première mouture, en 1834.


Author: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Title: Faust : a tragedy by Goethe translated into English verse, with notes and preliminary remarks by John Stuart Blackie.
Publication Location: London
Editor: Macmillan & Co
Date: 1880
Language: English
No of scans: 386
Type: Print
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